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Baked Beauty Cosmetics

Blend n’ Bake Face Blender

Blend n’ Bake Face Blender

Regular price $10.16 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.16 CAD
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WHAT: Face Blender

√ Seamlessly blends makeup
√ Reusable 
√ Comfortable & Light weight

How To Use

  1. Wet: Run your FACE BLENDER under your faucet until it’s fully soaked. It will almost double in size.
  2. Squeeze: Once your Face Blender is fully saturated, squeeze it out. You want to apply your makeup with a damp blender, so wring out all of the excess water. 
  3. Bounce: Bounce powder or liquid foundation, bb cream, or concealer across your skin for a flawless finish.
TIP: Don't drag the blender across your face. Swiping/Dragging the Face Blender over your skin is just moving product around instead of properly laying it on. Bouncing creates seamless coverage without streaks and lines. 


Care Instructions 

1. Wet your FACE BLENDER.

2. Swirl an ample amount of baby soap onto the blender. 

3. Allow them to soak in a bowl of water while working into a lather.

4. To avoid tears, squeeze gently.

5. Rinse with clean water; squeeze out excess water and allow the blender to dry completely.

When properly cared for your Blender is reusable around 25-30 times

TIP: Cleaning your blender after every use will keep both your face and blender in excellent condition. A dirty blender can cause breakouts, irritation, and bad application. 


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Care Instructions

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